Next Base Meeting:

12 September 2013

Social 1800-1900

Meeting 1900-2000


"To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution."

Meeting Location:


99 Wisteria Rd

Goose Creek, SC


September Lost Boats

USS Grayling SS 209 September 9, 1943
USS Cisco SS 290 September 28, 1943
USS S-5 SS 110 September 1, 1920
USS S-51 SS 162 September 25, 1925
Base Commander Ed Stank 843.875.3098 Vice Commander Jerry Stout 843.871.9533
Secretary Rick Wise 843.875.5559 Treasurer Steven Morawiec 360.473.8883
Chief of the Boat Rick Sparger 843.553.5594 Public Affairs Ed Stank 843.568.2148
Veterans Affairs Ken Curtis 843.797.1268 Chaplain John Nichols 843.452.3189
Membership Don Mook 843.499.5727 Holland Club John Kratz 843.873.0238
Scholarship Julian Villegas 843.871.6135 Newsletter Steve Morawiec 360.473.8883
Storekeeper Ken Hutchison 843.553.0935 Webmaster John Nichols 843.452.3189
Historian George Scharf 843.873.3318 Kaps for Kids Walt Deal 843.871.4143