Next Base Meeting:
8 August 2013
Social 1800-1900
Meeting 1900-2000
"To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution."
Base Commander | Ed Stank | 843.875.3098 | Vice Commander | Jerry Stout | 843.871.9533 |
Secretary | Rick Wise | 843.875.5559 | Treasurer | Steven Morawiec | 360.473.8883 |
Chief of the Boat | Rick Sparger | 843.553.5594 | Public Affairs | Ed Stank | 843.568.2148 |
Veterans Affairs | Ken Curtis | 843.797.1268 | Chaplain | John Nichols | 843.452.3189 |
Membership | Don Mook | 864.245.2005 | Holland Club | John Kratz | 843.873.0238 |
Scholarship | Julian Villegas | 843.871.6135 | Newsletter | Steve Morawiec | 360.473.8883 |
Storekeeper | Ken Hutchison | 843.553.0935 | Webmaster | John Nichols | 843.452.3189 |
Historian | George Scharf | 843.873.3318 | Kaps for Kids | Walt Deal | 843.871.4143 |